Wednesday, September 07, 2005

OK, I'm trying to be better about this whole blogging thing. That means, more than 1 post every 2 weeks.

I would have scanned in more Cthulhu pics, but that involved cropping a Vera Bradley purse out of the shot (two phrases you will never hear again in the same sentence: "Cthulhu" and "Vera Bradley purse"). I had so much fun in Dayton this past weekend with Lynx... we browsed Books & Co. (for five minutes because they went and closed, damn them), went to Yellow Springs where I bumped into other friends and shopped for bumper stickers in Dark Star, saw the Egypt exhibit at the Art Institute... I've been all over southern Ohio the past month or so (and eaten a lot of nasty carrots because I keep storing my lunches for over a week in the fridge -- eww). The next few weeks are going to see me update my resume and begin shopping it out, and go to the grocery store to try and find some carrots that don't go bad in two days. Oh, and read more Colin Wilson (today's thoroughly bizarre reading: Alien Dawn). Maybe he's the Wilson brother I would go for (see: Lynx's quiz), not that he's related to Luke or Owen, or under the age of 70 if he's still living.

Anyway, time to play solitaire on the work computer before someone in IT realizes they forgot to take it off when they installed Windows XP on our computers... hee hee...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Finally the promised picture. This was taken in Cincinnati at the Union Terminal Museum Complex. In the back was a Lego scale model of the Terminal complex itself (in front of the IMAX theater and the Amtrak office for those of you who are familiar with the place). This was in the front left corner of the model, in the "underground" portion (perhaps near the bat cave? That might explain the children who periodically go missing).
Either someone has a sick sense of humor or they've finally caught on to who actually runs this state. Bob Taft.. we're on to you.