Sunday, January 01, 2006

OK, so, in case you were wondering, some good crap did happen to me in 2005. Here's a random, in-no-particular order list, some of which is probably pretty trivial, but we take what we can get.

1) Rob Morrow, my television boyfriend, reappeared in a half decent show! If you're ever stuck at home on Friday night at 10 (heaven forfend), then Numbers is a show you should catch. Best ensemble cast since Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. And unlike Lost, the only show I was watching on a regular basis at this time last year, it has not taken a headlong plunge into the crapper after being on the air for a mere year. And that leads me to...

2) The best online forum on the internet, for those of you who have an interest: the Lost Bitterness Fiesta over at Television Without Pity. Those who are bitter about Lost and who post on this thread, have reasoning ability to make the average internet poster's head explode. And the few deluded souls who post there who don't seem to understand that the Bitterness Fiesta is for those who are, well, bitter about the direction Lost has taken and not for those who still think that Damon Lindelof isn't in way, way over his head, in a Chris-Carter-in-1997 fashion... you folks are pretty smart too. Deluded, but smart. (A special shout-out to Tubalcaine, who shares my exact frustration about the character of Charlie. The show jumped into the toilet bowl at the exact moment when it could have killed off his character and did not. And right now Dominic Monaghan could be doing some acting that would actually stretch his considerable chops instead of still playing the fake American TV version of Noel Gallagher. But I digress, as I often do. And speaking of people who have had some weird relationship with Noel...)

3) The Gorillaz song "Feelgood Inc." for actually getting played on the radio in Columbus, Ohio, and for rhyming "hazmat" and "asscrack." Just when I had despaired for pop music. Eat it, Gwen & Kelly! (Honorable mention to Madonna for "Hang Up." Finally I can groove to an ABBA song without being embarrassed by the words. Now all someone needs to do is write different lyrics to "Indian Reservation" by Paul Revere & The Raiders and my life will be complete, after a fashion.)

4) My mother, for weathering a severe stroke with sweet good humor, and for not despairing that her life still means something even when she can't talk your ear off (a former character trait). All you whiners who complain about your hangnails and your boyfriend not getting you the gift you wanted for Christmas (yes, co-workers in my evil office job, I mean you) bow your heads in shame, because you suck. And "down yours" will be on my lips until the day I die. Thanks for not being afraid to laugh & make others laugh. I love you, Mom.

5) I finally read the comic book series "Alias" (no relation to the series) this year. A kick ass premise, kick-assly executed. Thanks for introducing me, Lynx! And thanks to another, non-blogging friend who introduced me to Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising novels. Young adult fiction and graphic novels, that's about all I've read this year. That, and back issues of MOJO. I would say "must do better," except that those things were pretty fricken great.

6) Jake Gyllenhaal, for having ridiculously long eyelashes and still looking completely masculine, and for not letting his face carry his acting career (see also: Paul Walker, Orlando Bloom, 5,026 other young actors).

7) Vern started to post again on his website on a semi-regular basis. Hooray for Vern, still telling it like it is (and being the only reason I read AICN that isn't named Moriarty).

8) My sister finally, finally graduated from nursing school, cum laude to boot. She is leaving a cushy job, doing something that comes easily to her that she's been doing for years, to strike off into the unknown. Dominic Monaghan and I could both take a lesson from that.

9) My body for taking so much abuse (sprained ankles, sprained knees, hitting sidewalks downtown with my face) and springing back so quickly. I feel pretty blessed to still have some semblance of physical health after this year of freak accidents, lingering illnesses and general depression.

10) Having a blog to rant on. A-OK!

I hope that all who stumble on this blog have a happy and blessed 2006. And remember, as the ancient Egyptians used to say: Sakhmet yesterday, Bastet tomorrow.


Blogger Lynx said...

Again, YAY! Great post, and I'm really glad one of my favorite writers has started to write again:).

I will send another email--I originally sent you a notice on your hotmail account but it didn't arrive? (Shame for that--it had some hysterical links:). I'll try again!

5:37 PM  
Blogger CatNFiddle said...

Why did it take me so long to find your blog? This is a HOOT!

5:32 PM  

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